5 things you need to know about the ‘Truth or Dare’ Game in the Lande-Baba Tee drama


Nigerian actor, Babatunde Bernard Tayo, popularly known as Baba Tee, recently admitted to having an intimate encounter with Darasimi, the estranged wife of comedian Ijoba Lande, during a game of “Truth or Dare.”

The controversy began when Ijoba Lande accused his wife of infidelity, alleging that she had been involved with multiple men in the entertainment industry, including Baba Tee.

Initially, Baba Tee denied the allegations, asserting that he had met Darasimi only once through a mutual acquaintance, Marygold, who introduced her as a content creator. He claimed he was unaware of her marital status at the time.

However, Baba Tee has since retracted his earlier statements, acknowledging that an unexpected and intoxicated setting led to the affair.

He recounted that during a visit by Marygold and Darasimi to his residence, a game of “Truth or Dare” was suggested, which culminated in the intimate encounter.

While Truth or Dare is a popular game among some people, others have little or no idea what the game entails.

1. A Social Party Game

Truth or Dare is a popular game typically played among friends or in social gatherings, where players take turns choosing between answering a question truthfully or performing a dare assigned by others.

2. It Can Be Lighthearted or Intense

The game ranges from fun and harmless questions or dares to more daring, intimate, or even embarrassing tasks, depending on the tone of the gathering and the comfort level of participants.

3. It Often Involves Peer Pressure

Participants may feel compelled to answer personal questions or carry out uncomfortable dares to avoid being seen as timid, making the game potentially awkward or emotionally risky for some players.

4. It Is Influenced by Group Dynamics

The nature of the game is often shaped by the relationships among players.

When played among close friends, the questions and dares may be playful; in unfamiliar company, it could become inappropriate or uncomfortable.

5. It Can Lead to Unintended Consequences

Though intended as entertainment, the game can sometimes trigger conflicts, emotional reactions, or even spark real-life issues, as seen in situations were dares cross personal boundaries.




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