A 30-year-old woman from Mihango estate, in Nairobi County has been arraigned in court and charged for allegedly abusing her employer’s 5-year-old boy.
According to reports from court shared on social media, over diverse dates, the accused defiled a young boy and got away with it until, by chance, the boy spoke up to reveal a systematic plan of abuse to his mother.
The young boy told her mother that the abuse began long time, that the house help introduced him to the act when he was a little alone with her, and that he had always desired to perform the act with her because of an addiction that developed over time.
According to a police report which was produced in court, the victim’s mother reported the matter after suspecting her boy of unusual behavior.
“She reported that she came to know about this month, at around 10 pm through a conversation between her 5-year-old boy and the new house help while she was bathing him, that accused used to ask him to sleep with him” read the police report.
On hearing the conversation, the mother allegedly summoned the boy and demanded to get the full explanation of what had been happening while the accused was working for him. The boy allegedly confessed that indeed, the house help had been sexually assaulting him.
The court proceedings also show the method behind his madness.
In some cases, the accused would pick up a random, desperate boy from his mother’s bedroom with promises of food and sweets, only to abuse him.
The accused had instructed the young boy to keep the fact that she was having an affair with him a secret until that day he was discovered red-handed browsing adult material movies on his mother’s smartphone.
He went on to say that watching dirty movies on his mother’s smartphone excited him and that he performed the deed with the older lady in the kitchen and sitting room when left alone at home.