If you don’t want to look older than your age, please stop these five [5] habits


As we get older, our skin naturally becomes rougher and more fragile, and those wrinkles start showing up.

These are some of the habits you should consider changing.

You might notice fine lines at first, but if you don’t take care, they can turn into deep wrinkles.

What’s interesting is that, besides factors like the environment, some of our everyday habits can make our skin age faster, but most of us don’t even realize this.

If you want to keep that youthful and healthy look, let’s talk about some simple habits you should change:

Excessive sun exposure without protection

In a country like Nigeria, where it is humid most of the time, your skin is susceptible to sun damage and premature ageing from the sun all year round.

The sun’s UVA radiation poses a threat because it can penetrate deeply into the layers of skin and tamper with its elasticity.

So, remember to put on sunscreen, especially if you’re going to be spending time outside.

Not getting enough sleep

Lack of sleep can speed up the ageing process as well.

Ever pulled an all-nighter and noticed how your skin suffers?

Well, it’s not just about how many hours you sleep; it’s also about the quality of your sleep.

Insufficient sleep can result in puffy eyes and dark circles, and its long-term effects on the skin are even more concerning.

This is because while you sleep, the skin undergoes a repair process, and insufficient rest can negatively impact this.

Studies show that poor-quality sleepers exhibit increased signs of skin ageing, with a 30% reduction in the skin’s ability to recover compared to good-quality sleepers.

Not drinking enough water

Drinking an adequate amount of water has many benefits – it gives you energy and helps with weight loss.

When your skin gets dehydrated, it’s not just because you’re not drinking enough.

It can happen because of a bad diet or your lifestyle.

While you might put lotion on your skin to keep it moist, the best way is to hydrate from the inside.

It’ll keep your skin looking young and fresh.

Unhealthy diet

Unhealthy food choices can affect your skin.

Foods that are high in unhealthy fats and sugary drinks like soda can show up on your skin.

If you want your skin to look great and stay young, try eating more fruits and veggies. They’re packed with good stuff that your skin loves.

Not exercising regularly

If you sit around all day without much exercise, it’s not just your health that takes a hit – it’s your skin too.

Recent research on women found that those who don’t move around much seem biologically older by about eight years!

That’s a huge, big difference.

When you’re inactive, your skin cells age faster.

So, get moving to keep your skin looking younger.
