World’s most beautiful vagina contest


The World’s Most Beautiful Vagina Contest was spearheaded by Brian Sloan, the founder of a male sex toy company known as Autoblow2.

It wouldn’t surprise you to know that this contest isn’t your typical beauty pageant.

The aim of this contest was to find the most visually appealing “pussy” out there. But it doesn’t just end there.

After selecting the most beautiful vagina, Sloan’s intention is to design sex toys tailored for men’s self-pleasure purposes.

The details

With a desire to make the best products, he set out on a mission to find out what men find appealing when it comes to the appearance of female genitalia.

And so, he launched the “World’s Most Beautiful Vagina Pageant,” inviting women to participate by submitting pictures of their own private parts.

In this rather unconventional contest, a total of 182 brave women sent in their entries.

The rules were simple: women uploaded images of their vaginas to the contest’s website.

While the grand winner is set to win $5,000, the runners-up aren’t left empty-handed.

Second place gets a prize of $2,500, and the third-place winner walks away with $1,500.

But that’s not all.

The crowned winner gets the opportunity to travel to Los Angeles to have her vagina scanned and transformed into a 3D sex toy for men to jerk off with.

According to Sloan, the contest serves a higher purpose, which is to inform his sex tech innovations.

In simpler terms, he wants to create the best products that cater to the desires of men, and this competition offers real-time data into what men consider attractive in terms of vulva appearance.

The previous winners

Past winners of the contest, who have chosen to remain anonymous, have explained their reasons for participating:

  1. Nell (Name changed): The winner with a score of 7.7 from the UK revealed that her boyfriend’s compliments on her “cute, chubby vagina” inspired her to join.
  2. Jenny: A 23-year-old from Germany secured the second spot with a score of 7.3. She said she found the contest amusing and decided to participate because she believed she could do better than her competitors.
  3. The third-place winner: This participant was not as enthusiastic as the others.
  4. She said she was made to participate by her boyfriend.
  5. In her words, “My boyfriend made me do it.
  6. He told me about it and then I didn’t want to do it.
  7. And then we had a few drinks and then we did it …
  8. I was very uncomfortable.
  9. It was like being at the doctors.”
  10.  She recounted that the experience left her feeling uncomfortable.

Some might raise eyebrows and question the nature of the contest, but others see things differently.

Nichi Hodgson, a sex columnist for Men’s Health U.K., accompanied Sloan during the scanning process and observed that participants were usually women looking to have some fun.

Hodgson believes that people allow themselves to be judged for aesthetics regularly and she doesn’t see much difference between this contest and conventional beauty pageants.
